Nearly two years ago, I took my yoga mat to Bali thinking it was high time I used it again. It turned out to be nothing but awkwardly shaped luggage, as I ate, drank, and lounged my way through the entire holiday. We got home and I wedged it in the back of the cupboard where it belonged, and that's where it stayed... right up until today!
This morning I went to yoga at the gym and managed to bag a spot on top of the creakiest floorboards in the room. Keeping my rustiness to myself was impossible as every slight overbalance became a symphony of wooden groans and moans. Classic!
Anyway, it got me keen on a health kick (besides, I've been 'planning' a diet for several weeks now). I've got a low-fat, low-fuss menu lined up for the next few days and it all starts with this vegetable extravaganza. Yes, it contains bread. But it's fluffy bread, which is okay... right?
Given that this one's all about smashing out the prep as quickly as possible, I don't bother dicing the vegetables. Instead, I just cut everything into thick wedges. For eggplant and zucchini, that means slicing lengthways four times and across once, then rolling the whole thing 90 degrees and slicing to the desired sliver width. Hopefully this picture gives you some vague idea what I'm on about here.
In the interests of minimising waste, I like to use every last (edible) piece of red capsicum. By slicing lengthways and prising the base of the stem away from the flesh of the capsicum gently, you can remove all the crap without losing any of the good stuff!
This meal is super versatile and you can adapt it to whatever's in the fridge, on special, or being offered to you by your wonderful mother. Swap the basil for mint, the eggplant for pumpkin, the feta for mozzarella, the semidried tomatoes for marinated artichokes, or whatever else takes your fancy. Personally, I'm trying it with toasted pine nuts next time.