This afternoon we went to the Wesley Anne in Northcote to see our insanely talented friend Sophie Officer heading up Fake Sibling at the launch of their awesome new single Despondent. Her voice is ethereal, it has this transcendent quality that just sweeps you up. And there's something so thrilling about knowing the musician on stage, even at a little Sunday arvo gig like this one.
After Tuesday night's debaucherous photo with the lead singer of Everchanging, we knew we had to get a follow-up photo with Sophie as well. It proved to be an extremely difficult undertaking, and it wasn't until an hour or so later that we finally rounded her up and plied her with champagne!
Earlier in the day we'd feasted on this frittata. It was leftovers, but like most of the meals I make, it tastes just as good the next day. In this case it was going to taste even better, because I'd realised that the standalone frittata from the previous evening needed something more. (Here's the lonely-looking photo from last night.)
So with a plastic bag and $20 in my pocket, I headed out to the stupidly expensive green grocers on Glenhuntly Rd seeking an avocado and some cherry tomatoes. As I always do (at least since Coles Elsternwick closed), I made the trip between the two stores to make sure I got the best price for each item. Avocado from one store, tomatoes from the other. If I'm going to overpay, I can at least limit how much I overpay!
On the way home I was blessed with a spot of rain. It wasn't heavy by any means, but by the time I got home I was definitely dishevelled enough that bashing the lemon tree with a stick to try to get one down seemed as if it couldn't make me look any worse. Boy, was I wrong.
Anyway, my ordeal was completely worth it because the salsa (Elliot argued that three ingredients does not a salsa make. I argued that I liked the word and that's what I was calling it!) was the perfect accompaniment. I've never made this recipe all that often, because eggs when I'm not hungover make me feel guilty, but the deliciousness of combining it with the salsa is making me think I'll have to put it on high rotation.
If you want it to pack a bit of a more proteinaceous punch, try adding lentils and another egg. I haven't, but I'm sure it would work! Also, if quinoa is too expensive or you just don't have it around right now, use any grain. I've tried rice. Actually, I bet spaghetti would be cool.